Wash, rinse, repeat – systems in action! Part 1 – The Law Of Attraction System

About practicality, intuition and systems.

The phrase, “Create it then wash, rinse, and repeat!,” makes me smile. For business leaders it means hitting the “start” button and expecting that following specific steps will create expected results. It provides the freedom that many entrepreneurs and leaders crave. Unfortunately, creating systems can be a daunting task for some. My goal is to make it easier by explaining the systems I use that work for me and my clients in business and life. Will they work for you? Give it a try! You have everything to gain by doing so.

I admit it, I’m a Law of Attraction junkie and it is a foundational element in all of my business and life systems.

When the theory of Law of Attraction first found me, it became clear that I was unknowingly applying a practical strategic system influenced by positive mindset and inspired action without knowing or understanding it. Imagine that! I suspect you have too since Law of Attraction is always with us. Throughout my life I have attracted unexplained blessings for which I am profoundly thankful. It goes far beyond luck because I realized that without my understanding it these blessings were the result of integrating this amazing Universal Law in all I do. Once I became consciously aware of this law and how it works, I began focusing on how to strategically practice and apply it in new and stronger ways for amazing results in all areas of my life: health, finances, business, career, relationships and spirituality.   Understanding how to implement the Law of Attraction system, and teaching it to my clients, has allowed me to serve and guide them on working with it in the most amazing ways. A tool related to Law of Attraction that I call the “Magnetic Business Attraction Action Plan” will share the exact business plan I use that attracted 3 publishers, several cars, my house, my amazing business and personal relationships and more.

Law of Attraction works by following a simple 6 step system I call the Results Alignment Model (RAM). Just like a computer needs RAM memory to operate we automatically use a similar system without realizing it. This RAM Model is key to creating all of our results. Becoming conscious of these steps gives definition and assists us to fine tune, create or change our perceptions, emotions, words, and thoughts to achieve our goals. You can write out your goals but without the right mindset and attitude based on the RAM steps to set the “vibe,” achieving success can be challenging. You see, Law of Attraction does not have a mind. It only follows your instructions which come from how you feel based on your words, emotions and thoughts.

Let’s take a look at the RAM System and how these 6 steps work in a split second!

Step 1: Perception –
Your perception of an event or circumstance creates an immediate negative or positive reaction fueled by your emotions that begins to put the law of attraction wheel into motion.

Step 2: Feelings/Vibes
Your emotions and feelings are the drivers that create an electromagnetic field that surrounds and moves with you everywhere you go. It is inescapable. If what you are feeling conflicts with your desires your feelings will win. This is where we can self sabotage because our subconscious feelings are often masked by what we think we want and feel instead of what we actually want and feel.  Feelings have power because they are energy and they are important to be listened to.

Steps 3 and 4 can be interchangeable. Your words can trigger thoughts and your thoughts can trigger words

Step 3: Words
Your words, whether written or verbal, positive or negative, have energy. They share with the Universe, and those around you, your mental and emotional state. Take notice of the words you use. If they are constantly negative and have the feeling of resistance, your results are probably quite similar. You see, what you resist persists so it’s important to focus on what you want and the words you use to express it.  And this leads to Step 4 and your thoughts.

Step 4: Thoughts –
Your emotions create positive or negative thoughts. Your thoughts attract whatever you continuously think about. Monitor your thoughts and notice negative words and phrases that you constantly say such as: “I don’t have enough money,” “I’m always sick,” “I fear_____,” “I’m always late.” Instead use words and phrases that create positive thoughts such as “I am getting healthier every day,” “I will arrive on time,” “Everything I need will show up some way, some how,” or “I can do this.”

Step 5: Results –
Feelings/emotions, thoughts and words create results. Take a look at your life, business, career, relationships and health and evaluate your results. If you don’t like them what can what words, thoughts and feelings need to change to attract more of what your want?

Step 6: Insight –
Insight comes from assessing your results. Look at the reaction of others, the effects of your actions and how you feel. Results mirror and validate your perceptions, feelings, words, and thoughts. Insight offers opportunity to shift perceptions, attitudes and mindset that lead into a continuous wash, rinse, repeat cycle.

The above six steps happen in an instant. When the good stuff happens note your energy, how you feel and the words you use to keep the ball rolling. The more mindful and aware you are the higher your vibes and the more your desires come to fruition. Remember to wash, rinse and repeat the RAM system over and over every second of every day.

It’s important to shake things up every once in a while and fine tune your systems.  As a leader constantly be aware and mindful of what is working and not working followed up with making system adjustments to maintain harmony. And you do that by listening, watching carefully, and using your LOA and Intuition systems such as intuition and Law of Attraction.

Click here for part 2 – Wash, Rinse, Repeat: Systems in Action Part 2 – The Intuition System

To your success,


Twitter:     @LeaderIntuition   @TerryWildemann 
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About Terry:
Terry works with strategic and analytical leaders, executives and entrepreneurs who know that something is missing. She works with them to discover the gaps and solutions to fill those gaps. Leaders learn how to zap stress, shift chaos, operate coherently and communicate well to evolve into unstoppable intuitive leaders and business owners who positively influence those they lead. Relationships, projects and the workplace culture take on new life bursting seeds of creative innovation, trust and focus.

Terry is a professional speaker and trainer and has earned the following designations:  International best selling author, Certified Executive Coach, Certified Co-Active Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Law of Attraction Trainer, Licensed HeartMath Coach, Certified Professional Behavior Analyst

Terry has been a business owner for 40 years serving small business, all branches of the military, banks, chambers and universities. She is the author of 2 solo books, “1-800-Courtesy: Connecting With A Winning Telephone Image” and “TheEnchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader.” Her 3rd solo book based on the Enchanted Boardroom series will be published September 2018.

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