Synchronicity and the gift of words

Yesterday, on my flight home from Miami, a passenger playing musical chairs resulted in a lovely woman, Lori, sitting next to me. She is a flight attendant on her way home We talked about all kinds of things and it was clear that we were meant to meet. I mentioned that my parents are Cuban and she pulled out her phone and shared pictures from her recent trip to Havana. Towards the end of our conversation, she mentioned that her new husband is an airline pilot and former Navy pilot. I told her my daughter is a Navy LT and my husband is a retired Navy CDR and now a dean and professor. I also mentioned they both went to Villanova University. HER husband also graduated from Villanova and was in the NROTC program there. When we compared years we figured out that my husband was his freshman NROTC professor! She texted later that indeed it was true! Bizarre.
The most important thing though that came out of our synergistic conversation was her sharing these very wise words that have transformed the way I’m seeing things. I would like to share them with you because these simple words are transformational. 
I mentioned to Lori I’m a bit burned out with having to constantly travel to and from Miami. Lori shared some wise words from one of her mentors about the power of saying “I GET to…” instead of “I HAVE to…”
Instead of saying,”I HAVE to care for my parents” say, “I GET to care for my parents.” Immediately my mindset shifted with this new perspective. What a blessing! 
Instead of saying, “I HAVE to decorate my home for the holidays” say instead, “I GET to decorate my home for the holidays.” Feel the difference? Certainly gives new meaning to the holiday decorating experience. For me, it turns it into an honor, a privilege and appreciation that I get to do it especially since so many have lost their homes this year due to fire, hurricanes, and flooding.
Many folks travel for the holidays and it can be challenging. Instead of saying, “I have to travel to…” say “I get to travel to…” The excitement and anticipation for the event rises.
You “get” the idea. The phrase “I get to…” is the best Christmas gift! And I get to travel and visit my parents again for New Years. It feels so good.

I’m so appreciative of the passenger who played musical chairs on that plane. He allowed for Lori and I to connect in a powerful way and she taught me a lesson I will never forget.

Hope my fun experience helps you this season to see things with a different perspective and “get” to do some really cool things.

Terry Wildemann

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