You know the drill: You hustle day in and day out, and up until now, your business just isn’t where you want it to be. You’re no stranger to the nagging feeling of being held back—emotionally, financially, spiritually. Your business feels like a constant uphill battle, with success always just one frustrating step out of reach.

It may feel like you’re always standing at the edge, about to let it all go and do something else because you are so tired of the grind.  You ask yourself, “How do I move forward?”

The answer lies in surrendering the chronic control that entrepreneurs experience and instead, reconnecting with your inner voice, the one that speaks to your deepest aspirations and knows your true potential – Your Inner CEO.

Our Virtual and Destination VIP Days —are your invitation to a sacred space of clarity, expansion and growth.

Dive deeply into the spiritual, personal and practical aspects of your business and life. Shed limiting beliefs and release the emotional weight that’s held you down.  From this grounded, aligned space, confidence, competence, and credibility will naturally emerge enabling you to operate your business and life with calm, ease and flow. 

This transformation is so much more than business tactics; it’s about aligning your spiritual, wealth, health and relationship compass. We’ll navigate through the dense fog that obscures your path and tap into the intuitive wisdom that’s always been there. Together, we’ll take a holistic look at your life—including your prosperity and money mindsets and personal and business relationships—unveiling ways to sync your health and wealth.  With an added insight from the DISC behavioral report, you’ll leave with a stronger understanding of yourself and how you operate in the world.

You’re not just an entrepreneur; you’re a visionary on the cusp of a breakthrough. By removing the obstacles that hold you back from your vision, mission, and purpose, you can confidently step into your role as a leader—a powerfully grounded beacon of harmonious prosperity – that is so needed in today’s world.

 Schedule your VIP Day now and let’s move forward on your leadership journey.

Terry Wildemann

A rejuvenated sense of purpose

in your career, business, and life.

My Prosperity Power

VIP Day Promise

Experience the Following

  • A reinforced clarity of vision for your professional future and personal aspirations.
  • Deepened alignment of your career choices with innate passions and core values, ensuring your work is both motivating and value-driven.
  • Strategies for family-centered business planning, to manifest roles that support work life harmony
  • Deepened confidence when applying intuitive insights to become more effective, respected leaders.
  • Tools to confidently navigate and capitalize on life transitions, transforming periods of change into growth opportunities.
  • Practical methods to integrate spiritual practices into daily leadership, ensuring a sense of fulfillment in your professional life.
  • Reduce your individual stress and burnout allow you to lead congruently in business and life.
  • Identify your unique, authentic leadership identity that authentically resonates with who you truly are!
  • Begin the hero's journey that leads you to a harmonized, rewarding life where professional success coexists beautifully with nurturing meaningful relationships.
  • Begin enjoying a holistic, well-being-focused approach to your career, fostering a lifestyle where ambition and personal happiness are in harmony.
About The SHIFTology Prosperity Power

VIP Day Experiences


VIP days Include:

  • Discovery and release of success blocks to reduce stress, improve health and wealth.
  • Decision-Making processes that enhance your leadership
  • Amplfy your Magnetic Business and Attraction processes
  • Connect with your Inner CEO and Intuition
  • Review of business systems
  • Sessions via zoom
  • Follow up coaching sessions based on which package you choose.
  • Journal
  • Not included: Flights, transportation and lodging.
  • One Day In-Person Includes all in the virtual VIP day plus:
  • Meals and snacks
  • Two follow-up virtual sessions
  • Two Day In-Person includes all in the virtual VIP Day plus:
    • Meals and snacks
    • Four follow-up virtual sessions
    • Nature Coaching Session on the beach – weather permitting
    • “Wind shield” tour of Newport, RI.
    • Tour of “The Breakers” Mansion

    Choose Your Ideal Prosperity Power VIP day! Virtual or In-Person

    About Terry

    I give you 100% of myself during our time together. If you believe that I did not deliver as promised, and you did all of the work as expected, your investment will be returned minus the expenses.

    Introducing Terry Wildemann: not your ordinary business mentor, but a seasoned Intuitive Success Navigator. She’s the heart and soul behind the SMILE Initiative Hub, the innovative space for Intuitive Leadership® and SHIFTology® that’s shaking up the entrepreneurial world. Her clients affectionately dub her “The Intuitive Truth Detective,” speaking to her sharp ability to pinpoint and resolve what truly holds you back.

    With a robust 36 years steering transformative experiences, Terry infuses her coaching with a refreshingly human touch. She’s a certified executive and co-active coach, a holistic practitioner, and an intuitive with the wisdom of the ages.

    In sessions tailored just for you, Terry leverages her arsenal of intuitive insights, spiritual expertise, and real-world business knowledge, compassion and personal care. She taps into her SHIFTology® Toolkit which holds the keys to unlocking your potential. The result is what she calls ‘harmonious prosperity’—a seamless blend of success and satisfaction in all areas of your business and life.

    With Terry’s guidance, your realignment and rejuvenation become your new reality. Ready for the transformation? Terry is here to lead the way.



    Read what business owners say about working with Terry!

    Phenomenal! After spending a VIP destination weekend with Terry, this is the only word that truly fits the experience of working with this amazing woman. With her coaching and energy healing, I am more in tune with my intuition and my purpose than ever before. "There are angels on earth and Terry is one of them! Thank you Terry!"
    Sara Ross
    Award Winning International Speaker Compliance & Ethics Specialist CEO Empowering Compliance
    I am seeing so many things in a new light. The depth and breadth of leadership, business, healing and coaching experience she brings is truly astounding and her willingness to incorporate her intuition enhances her effectiveness as a coach that much more. Thank you, Terry!
    Deanna Bugart
    Professional Speaker, Trainer Award-Winning Indigeneer and Mentor (Indigenous Engineer)
    Terry is amazing to work with. I am so grateful to have met her! I came to Terry carrying a lot of pain and sadness from the loss of my marriage. I’d been getting hit with waves of pain and sadness that were still the hyperventilating, fall on the floor in a ball kind of waves, still after nine months of leaving her and doing my own work to release my energy from her. In working with Terry I began to feel an immediate shift and feel so much lighter and freer! I also received confirmation that I’m supposed to shine my Light brighter and be speaking on stages.”
    Mel Mason
    Clutter Expert at De-Clutting Spaces
    Terry is not your typical business coach and I hesitate to use the term coach because she is so much more! She is an intuitive leader who knows how to help individuals clear out their personal mind junk because it holds us back in our professional life. In spending one VIP weekend with Terry, I was able to launch my website, create the name of my signature talk and program and remove blocks around money and success and physically feel a whole lot better!
    Val Neighbors
    Realtor, Keynote Speaker Results-Driven Sales Expert Human Potential & Performance Expert

    Choose Your Ideal VIP day! Virtual or In-Person