The Love Connection in Business and Leadership

Is there a connection between love, business and leadership? Indeed, there is.

Love is at the core of solid and positive relationships, communications, leadership, self-care and more. It starts with you simply being kind and loving to yourself first.  There’s a saying that how one treats others is a direct reflection of how they view themselves.

This powerful four-letter word, love, belongs in business because when we truly love and care for our employees they perform their best. When we do the same for our clients they keep coming back for more. As a leader, when we love ourselves first we positively influence others and they do the same for themselves and the people around them.  The ripple down effect can create a very big difference.

Below are a few tips to engage and bring in more care, compassion and love in leadership, business and life:

  1. Be fully present in the moment when you are with others. Ignore your phone, listen completely to what the other person is saying,  look at them and smile. Ask open-ended questions which creates dialogue and shows interest. This creates a positive energy that can be savored and It makes the other person feel completely listened to. When was the last time you felt like that?

  2. Open your heart. Subsequently, you’ll have better relationships with those around you.  Some of us are challenged with being vulnerable and receiving love and kindness when we don’t believe we are worthy of it. There are tools available such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Emotion Code and Body Code that may help to release the baggage that holds us back.  I have used these tools for myself and clients for close to a decade and they are remarkable in helping to feel better fast! The human soul deserves to be loved.

Love is the acceptance and celebration of both similarities and differences and all of that makes us human. The more love you give others, the more you increase your vibrations and that of others. We need differences in our lives to show us new ways of seeing things that open the door to discussion and awareness. Open dialogue where ideas are shared, regardless if you agree with the other person or not, adds flavor, color and opportunity to grow, learn and expand. When done with respect those who engage expand in mind, body and spirit.

These are just a few tips to engage with love in business and life.  Something as simple as a smile can change a person’s day!

Wishing you lots of love during this month of love.

To your success.

Terry Wildemann

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