Responsibility, Respect, Recharge (R)

As we move into Week 3, we delve into the principles of Responsibility, Respect, and Recharge. These elements are crucial for fostering a trustworthy and sustainable business environment. Responsibility, Respect, Recharge (R) Responsibility means owning your actions and decisions, which is essential for building trust. Respect forms the backbone of…

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Translating Your Healing Journey into Positive Action in Business, Leadership, Life, and Intuition

Life, business, and leadership are full of ups and downs, and sometimes we find ourselves facing particularly challenging periods. Whether it’s due to personal loss, professional setbacks, or unforeseen events, difficult times can leave us feeling lost and overwhelmed. However, it’s possible to regroup and emerge stronger by adopting a…

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Governance vs. Leadership

As you know, I'm all about helping leaders and entrepreneurs dissolve success blocks, reduce stress and heal in mind, body and spirit to achieve heart centered high performance in business and life. It's my calling and I love seeing others shine brightly with their authenticity, integrity and God given gifts.…

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