Make a Difference In The Workplace With LOVE.

It’s February and my blog posts this month have been about the connection between love, business, leadership and life. Hopefully, the last two posts have given you added perspective to help you get clearer on the importance of love in the workplace.

To wrap up this wonderful month I’m leaving you with this powerful acronym:

L – Listen 
Listen to your heart and what it tells you. Take it further and listen to others and honor their insight, opinions and their heart. Listening and feeling listened to makes a huge difference in how people respond to you.

O – Open 
Keep your heart open to the opportunities and possibilities that are presented to you. Listen and stay open the thoughts and ideas offered by employees, teammates and clients.

V – Voice
Speak your truth from the heart and allow others to do the same. Make a positive difference by using your voice for good and communicating with positivity.

E – Energy
Everything is energy. Your thoughts and words are energy and create your reality so keep them as positive as possible. Fill yourself up with the energy of love then work with that energy throughout your day.

Enjoy this beautiful month and may love infuse every nook and corner your life.

To your success,

Terry Wildemann

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