My Parking Angel – Letting Go Of Control and Asking For Help!

Monday Morning Lesson:

We always have support if we stay open. We self-sabotage when we forget to ask for help!
On Sunday evening I took my parents – 93 and 95 – for dinner to the John Martin Irish Pub in Coral Gables, FL. (love the McCuban experience!) Parking became an issue. It was a Saturday night and I knew I had to use the wheelchair for mom instead of the walker because it could be a distance from the car to the restaurant. The parking garage is right behind the restaurant but mom gets claustrophobic in those environments. Not a great way to start dinner. I had to let go of control and ask for help.

I shifted into my heart and took a deep breath followed by asking my Angels for help and guidance. I got the message to use the valet – something I rarely do but helpful for my elders. I pulled in front of the restaurant valet and a smiling young man greeted us. He helped me get the wheelchair out and get my parents out of the car. When I had a chance to look at his name tag I smiled…. his name…. Angel. Imagine that!

We gain control when we let go of control.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Harle Tinney

    True. Asking for help or using the help that is offered is generally wise unless it conflicts with the inner knowing.

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