Law of Attraction During Challenging Times

How to Work With Law of Attraction During Challenging Times 

You have heard about the Law of Attraction and many of you have tried to implement it in your work and life with mixed success. As a result, you think it’s not working. Well actually, it is. You see, you are in control of your perceptions, feelings, emotions and beliefs. You are the genie in the bottle.

What is the Law of Attraction?

It is energy pure and simple. Our thoughts are energy and they affect  whatever we are focusing on.  This energy works regardless of age, nationality or religious belief because we are all affected by Universal laws.  The Law of Attraction uses this thought energy to materialize what is in our mind, hearts and how we feel.

It is vital to understand that we have the power to create our own reality either consciously or subconsciously even during challenging times. Yes, bad things happen – like what is happening in our country with Covid-19 virus. It’s our perspective and reaction to the virus, social distancing, self-quarantine, working from home, on  and on that set the stage with how deeply we allow it all to affect us.

Could this virus be an answer to a collective call from humanity to stop, slow down, reconnect with ourselves, our families or our homes? I don’t have the answer to that but just today I saw a video of a tenor in Italy singing from his balcony and bringing joy to those who could hear him. Would he have done that if not confined to this apartment? People in an apartment complex convened on their balconies and started singing. What fun! Would that have happened if self quarantine were not the way of today to control the virus? Another person started a Facebook Group for folks to help folks exercise at home with soup cans. I had to smile. Bad stuff influencing people to do good stuff.

Again, it’s our reaction to events that makes a difference when working with Law of Attraction. Are we reacting to events with FEAR (Forgetting Everything is All Right) or are we reacting with focus, love and taking inspiring and creative action making the best of what is before us?

It’s important to live intentionally as we focus on our desires. It’s also important to tap into how we are feeling when an event or circumstance occurs. It benefits us to release negative feelings and emotions that bubble up to the surface. I clear out any negative emotions that trickle in on a daily basis. After all, I am human!

How do I do that? I reach out to good friends who listen to me and I to them. I also use various tools to help me stay grounded, focused and in a positive state to feel better and better and attract more of what I really want. Below are tools I use daily and they may help you too:

*Visualization – type in “visualization” on YouTube. Lots of resources on there.

*Meditation –  type in “meditation” on YouTube. Brilliant resources  to help you get grounded.

*Emotion Code and Body Code – Emotion Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson. To learn more go to
Also, download the free Emotion Code  app to your phone.

*Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT aka Tapping. YouTube has many teachers who teach this. Also, refer to the Tapping Solution book by Nick Ortner. Visit the website for free resources

*Quick Shift Technique – This simple tool is in my book, “The Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader. It is my daily “go to” and I use it constantly throughout the day. Print out several copies and post it on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, by your computer, in your bag, etc.

These are just a few tools I use daily and invite you to play with them to help you to clear out those subconscious emotions that cause self sabotage, fear and anger and get in the way of our health and success. 

If you would like to work with a professional certified in these tools I can help you. Schedule a 15 minute no cost virtual chat at

Look for more tips in next week’s blog post on working with Law of Attraction to help during challenging times.

Terry Wildemann

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