The Call of the Rose Returns

The Call of the Rose is becoming very active again. My close friends know I have channeled the feminine wisdom from this group for decades. Currently Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mother Ana (Mother Mary’s Mother), Quan Yin, and Lady Portia sit with me. 

They are part of my spiritual boardroom of advisors called “The Enchanted Boardroom” which is made up of 3 distinct groups: The Call of the Rose, The Angel Wisdom Board and the Ascended Master Board. 

Every day, my guides in each group offer insights  when I’m coaching,  teaching or writing. Often times, the messages that come for my clients are so powerful they are life transforming – for me and them! The positive results are magnificent. It’s all about choosing Limitless Prosperity.

As an intuitive leader, I’m sorry that I ran away from sharing The Call of Rose messages with you. I’ve feared publicly posting them because I didn’t want to be judged for my Divine Gifts. What a joke! Who isn’t judged? Everyone is judged in one way, shape or form.  It’s a challenge I work through every day and it takes courage to own ones gifts. I was there privately now it’s time to own them publicly.

We don’t always resonate with the billions of people on the planet – and that’s OK. If you don’t like the channeled messages guess what – NEXT! You have the freedom to listen to whomever you wish. 

When we respect other people and their journey, even though our vibrational energies don’t jive, we take back our power and allow ourselves, and them, to live in peace. We can agree to disagree. 

There’s plenty of room for everyone as long as freedom and liberty are given to all. We lift one another up instead of tear each other down. 

But when power and control of others becomes the almighty focus – we lose ourselves. We think we are doing good. Instead, we suck the life out of those we deem unworthy because of their different ideas. We think we are powerful when we lash out, name call and hurt others. Instead, we become small…. very, very small. 

When we intentionally hurt others mentally, physically or emotionally, we hurt ourselves. We lose a part of our souls. Those who do this constantly compromise their own freedom and liberty and create a dark culture that is difficult to live in. Those who buy into doing this – well – buyer beware. The darkness will chain you up and eat you alive.

This has played out throughout history.


September 1, 2022 
The Call Of The Rose message:

Wisdom expands when one chooses to honor the perspective of others. When we block others ability to speak or to control them, we contribute to creating illness in them, in ourselves and in our society. Our throats block because our voices are kept unheard.

We push away opportunities to learn, grow and expand when we put ourselves into the black boxes of “I know all.” “I know best.”

This illusion deprives us of understanding and the spiritual wisdom to embrace new ideas and experiences.

We ask that you release fear and control and instead open your hearts, minds and souls. Listen to your loving hearts vs. your practical heads. Bring the loving energy of Spirit through each cell and pore as you touch each energy center in the body. 

Allow the energy of love to embrace you.

When love permeates throughout your body and soul then can you be who you are meant to be in this lifetime. Your purpose will become clearer and your next steps will come to you.

Calm allows you to listen to your inner wisdom as you seek the wisdom of your loving heart and thrive in the energy of being.

The Rose Speaks

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