Terry Wildemann, Intuive Leadership U, SHIFTology Coaching

Insights to help you be AMAZING!

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The day certainly started off with a BANG! On my drive to the venue, my car got hit by a jeep that bounced off a telephone pole into my car after it was hit by an impatient driver. Luckily, the damage to my car was just scraped paint. However, the poor soul in the jeep was overwhelmed and it looked like her car had a broken axel. Thank goodness I was able to help her calm down with exactly what I was teaching in my workshop!

Steps Intuitive Leaders take to Awaken The Possibilities and share their message to help themselves and others succeed. First step…Believe: that you

I’m a “Heartie,” the nickname for folks obsessed with the Hallmark Channel. Over the last week, I watched a movie called, “True

This weekend I had a chat with one of the “Awaken the Possibilities” Facebook group members. They were  very insightful. I spent

Monday Morning Lesson: We always have support if we stay open. We self-sabotage when we forget to ask for help! On Sunday

The 10x Growth Conference in Miami, Fl hosted by Grant Cardone is the largest conference I’ve ever been to…. 30k folks. The